
Jennifer Lopez Makes Shocking Revelation About Past Relationships (Video)

BY Nii Ogbamey Tetteh February 27, 2024 9:22 PM EDT
Jennifer Lopez

American actress and singer Jennifer Lopez has opened Pandora’s box about her past relationships in her new documentary titled The Greatest Love Story Never Told.

Jennifer Lopez revealed that though she had never been beaten, she had be thrown around and manhandled in her past relationships.

“Being thrown around and manhandled like that is not fun. I was never in a relationship where I got beat up, thank God, but I’ve definitely been manhandled and a couple of other unsavoury things… rough… disrespectful,” Lopez stated.

“There were people in my life who said, ‘I loved you,’ and then didn’t do things that were kind of in line with the word ‘love.’ You have to hit rock bottom, where you’re in situations that are so uncomfortable and so painful that you finally go, ‘I don’t want this anymore.’ A therapist said to me, ‘What if this was your daughter? What would you do?’ And it was so clear. I was like, I’d tell her, ‘Get the f**k out of here, never look back.’ But for me, it was so clouded and so complicated with so much of my past and my own pain and hurt and dysfunction, that I couldn’t see clearly. It was like looking through a fog,” Jennifer Lopez stated in the documentary.

Lopez subsequently confided to her friend and producing partner, Elaine Goldsmith-Thomas, that the project had taken an emotional toll on her.

“More than anything, it’s really a vulnerable place to be in every day. That’s why I go to work every day, and I’m like, ‘What am I doing?’,” she questioned.

The award-winning singer did not reveal who “manhandled” her in the documentary, but she does discuss various previous romantic situations in reference to her self-love journey and her present marriage to Ben Affleck.