
Alexander Morris: Four Tops Lead Singer Sues Hospital For Racial Profiling and Placing Him In Straitjacket

BY Dora Abena Dzaka June 16, 2024 9:26 AM EDT
Photo Credit: Facebook @Four Tops

Alexander Morris, the lead vocalist of the venerable Four Tops of Motown filed a lawsuit against a Michigan hospital.

Morris is claiming that he was the victim of racial discrimination because medical employees thought he was “delusional.”

On April 7, 2023, the 53-year-old, arrived at Ascension Macomb-Oakland Hospital in Warren exhibiting “clear symptoms of cardiac distress.”

According to the federal lawsuit, which was filed on Monday in the Eastern District of Michigan, the Four Tops lead singer said he was put on oxygen and reported to have had chest pain and breathing difficulties.

However, according to the lawsuit, he told a nurse and a security officer in the emergency room that he was a member of the Four Tops and that he was worried about his safety because of admirers and stalkers but they didn’t believe him. 

The lawsuit goes on to say that he was restrained for at least an hour and a half and that a doctor instead prescribed a psychological assessment.

The hospital is sued along with two employees, a security guard and a nurse, for alleged acts of negligence, racial discrimination, battery, and intentional infliction of mental distress.

Despite Morris’s serious medical history and symptoms, hospital officials opted to take him off oxygen and pursue a psychiatric examination, according to the complaint.

According to the lawsuit, a security guard was told to make sure Morris’s possessions were taken away and that he was wearing a Straitjacket. 

The lawsuit claims that Alexander Morris sought to show his identification card to establish his identity but the male security guard, who was white, told him to “sit his Black ass down.”

The complaint also claims that despite the remark, none of the nursing staff members took action to end the racial discrimination.

Morris told them he was having trouble breathing and asked to have the oxygen returned, but the lawsuit claims he was disregarded.

He also claims he was disregarded when he requested his possessions be returned and the confinement device taken off so he could receive medical attention at a different facility. 

According to the lawsuit, “during this time, his health continued to deteriorate, and he was not given the necessary medical care.”

He was wrongfully imprisoned and denied access to his personal belongings after being informed that he was not allowed to leave.

Morris’s wife is said to have discovered what was going on when she went to the nursing station to gather his possessions.

She also told one of the security guards that he was a member of the Four Tops according to the petition.

Morris then requested to show the nurse a video of himself performing at the Grammy Awards when a nurse arrived at his side. 

It was then the nurse told the emergency department doctor that she had discovered he was a member of Four Tops at that point.

The doctor then told him that he was calling off the psychological assessment.

After Morris has been restrained for “approximately an hour and a half or 90 minutes,”

The lawsuit states, the restraint jacket was taken off and he was put back on oxygen, and was given a $25 Meijer gift card as an apology, but he turned it down.

According to the lawsuit, Alexander Morris had “severe mental and psychological suffering” as a result of the incident, which delayed his treatment despite his serious condition. 

It also claims that he had intentional infliction of emotional distress, false detention, his civil rights were violated and he was racially discriminated against under the Americans with Disabilities Act.

In a jury trial, Alexander Morris is requesting damages exceeding $75,000.

A representative for Ascension Hospital reportedly stated on Tuesday that: “Any form of racial prejudice is not acceptable to us. Regarding the ongoing lawsuit, we will remain silent. Our first goal continues to be the health, safety, and well-being of our patients, employees, and community members. We are still dedicated to upholding human dignity and acting honorably and compassionately toward everyone and the community”.