
Video Of Diddy’s Los Angeles Home After Homeland Security Raid Emerges: “It’s Chaotic”

BY JO Mensah March 28, 2024 11:08 AM EDT
Diddy's house looks gutted Photo source: YouTube/TMZ, Instagram/@diddy

The Los Angeles residence of Diddy, the founder of Bad Boy Records, was raided by Homeland Security as part of an ongoing sex trafficking investigation.

The raid’s aftermath was captured in leaked footage, revealing a scene of disarray and destruction.

The footage published by TMZ paints a vivid picture of the chaos left behind by the federal agents. Personal belongings were scattered haphazardly, drawers were left open, and documents were strewn about. The agents did not stop just rummaging through the house, safes were cracked open and computers were dismantled.

A close inspection of a computer in the footage showed that the hard drives had been removed. The living area was in a state of upheaval, with chairs tipped over and plush toys tossed aside. The scene was reminiscent of a military-level raid, leaving Diddy’s home in disarray.

The raid had far-reaching effects, extending beyond the confines of Diddy’s home. Ridley Scott, the acclaimed director of American Gangster and Diddy’s neighbor, found himself unable to return home due to the law enforcement blockade. Scott observed the situation from the sidewalk.

The many lawsuits

Diddy has been battling many sexual assault suits in the past four months. It started from Cassie’s in November 2023, which claimed sexual assault, misconduct, and other serious charges.

The latest is the $30 million suit by Lil Rod, who worked on Diddy’s The Love Album: Off the Grid.

Lil Rod’s suit sparked controversies after it emerged online that it had mentioned some prominent artists, including Usher and Meek Mill.

Yung Miami speaks amid Diddy’s troubles

Amid the chaos, fans have been particularly concerned about Yung Miami, Diddy’s girlfriend since last year. The City Girls rapper has maintained a low profile regarding the allegations against Diddy, even being edited from a reality TV show about her earlier this year.

However, she broke her silence. In response to a fan’s query on X (Twitter) about her location, she replied: “Right here what’s up?”