
50 Cent Opens G-Unit Films And Television Studio In Louisiana: “All Roads Lead To Shreveport”

BY Edwin Lamptey December 14, 2023 8:04 PM EDT
Photo Source: Instagram/@50cent

Actor and musician, Curtis Jackson, better known as 50 Cent, has officially opened a film and television studio in Louisiana purposely for his former group, the G-Unit. 

The G-Unit Films and Television studio was established after the city council in Shreveport approved his lease of Millennium Studio.

Reports show that the musician and actor purchased a 985,000-square-foot studio for future film and television projects.

Per reports by the local station KSLA12, Jackson will only be paying $2,400 a year and maintenance fees for use of the building, which is owned by the city. 

Giving reasons as to why the city council voted in favor of the deal, Councilwoman Tabatha Taylor explained that Jackson’s presence would present residual effects for local businesses. 

“We already know that 50 Cent is a mighty mogul in the entertainment business,” Taylor said. “But, the residual effects for local businesses here is what’s going to be felt. We have rebranded Shreveport in the entertainment industry, and now we are considering ourselves back again as an entertainment mecca.”

After the deal was completed on Wednesday, 50 Cent took to Instagram to make the announcement: “All Roads lead to Shreveport if you ready to work in film and television. G-unit Studios is officially in Louisiana. BOOM GLG GREENLIGHTGANG.” 

The move comes at a time when 50 Cent is set to finish up his Final Lap Tour in Thailand later in December.

In the course of announcing the tour, he revealed that his intention was the shift away from music after its conclusion and instead focus on film and television

Earlier this year, in May, 50 Cent announced that “I won’t be running around like this no more. I gotta do my film and television stuff and got a lot of other things going on behind the scenes that I gotta work on. So I won’t be out touring as much as I’ve been touring… I’m having fun this time because it’s set up to enjoy myself, we not feeling pressure.”