
23-Year-Old Lady Says Any Man Who Wants Her To Have His Baby Must Pay $315,000 Yearly Allowance, Other Incentives

BY Dora Abena Dzaka January 12, 2024 6:22 PM EDT
Photo Credit: By Jenny Darling

Jenny Darling, a 23-year-old content creator from Bishopsgate, London, has listed some requirements that would need to be met to subject her toned body to the drastic changes that come with having a child.

These requirements include a set yearly allowance of almost $315,000 per child, the hiring of a housekeeper, doula, and night nurse, as well as a push gift that guarantees her safety and the safety of any future children.

Although Jenny, says she has never wanted children and even asked doctors to remove her uterus, she would think about having a child if the right man could meet her requirements.

According to Jenny Darling, “It takes a lot of sacrifice to create a human life,” she told a news platform “I would never subject my body to such unpaid suffering. I’m not made to endure pain”, the content creator added. 

She went on to discuss her “non-negotiables” for the pregnancy, saying that the consequences to her physical and emotional well-being must be “worth” it.

Jenny claims that to become pregnant, she would have to be married, have a prenuptial agreement with an infidelity clause, and take an international babymoon. She will also request an annual allowance of $315,000after giving birth, which she plans to use for therapy, a personal trainer, and any other necessities for both herself and the baby.

“It’s all the things you’d need to live,” she said. “It’s investing in our lives and future.”

“Motherhood is priceless, and there is no way to quantify what is worth sacrificing,” she continued. A human life requires great sacrifice to be created. I’m not made to suffer, so I would never subject my body to that.”

In addition, she requests a doula and a housekeeper for the first six months after giving birth, after which a weekly cleaner will take over. “I don’t know how women do cooking, cleaning, and working as moms,” Jenny said. “I appreciate that, but I won’t be doing that”.

“I’d like a six-month housekeeper taken over by a cleaner once a week. A clean room reflects a clean mind. I need a doula only to get some rest every night for up until six months. “

Furthermore, Jenny demands a lavish push present, like an automobile or apartment, as well as a makeover for the mother, which includes a breast augmentation and tummy tuck.

“It would depend on how the birth goes, but I’d need a tummy tuck, a boob job, and a lot of therapy,” she stated. “I want a push present to secure me and my child’s future, such as a car or apartment.”

To have “one last proper holiday before the arrival of a little one,” she says she would also need a babymoon. She continues, saying, “You have to give up everything you enjoy, and that makes you you.”

In addition, Jenny also said she wouldn’t want to spend her early years as a mother working full-time to support her child.

“Kids are expensive,” the stunning black woman confessed, adding that she has always wished she was childless and has even asked doctors to remove her uterus.

Jenny Darling added she was adamant: “I want no children. I will not compromise on these, should the situation arise. Perhaps for the ideal person who could provide me with the greatest mothering experience. It’s not too much to ask for, in my opinion”.