
Tems: “Essence” Singer To Receive Breakthrough Honor At 2024 Billboard Women In Music Event

BY Dora Abena Dzaka January 26, 2024 11:54 PM EDT
Photo Source: Instagram/@temsbaby

Tems, the beautiful voice behind Wizkid’s number-one hit song Essence has been named the winner of the coveted Breakthrough Award Honor – making her the first-ever Nigerian artiste to win this accolade.

The Grammy-winning singer-songwriter, Temilade Openiyi, better known by her stage as Tems, is poised to make history at the 2024 Billboard Women In Music Event.

The 2024 Women In Music Awards honoree list was revealed on Wednesday by Billboard, the well-known hub for music charts and entertainment news.

Tems stands out as a trailblazer among the successful women receiving recognition for their efforts in the music industry, having created a huge turning point for Nigerian musicians on the global scene.

Tems’ incredible rise in the music business, which is attributed to her soul-stirring vocals and distinctive musical style that has connected with listeners all over the world, earned her the Breakthrough Award honor. 

Her duet with Rihanna on the smash song Lift Me Up was highly praised, establishing her as a major player in the international music industry.

The Women In Music Awards honor the accomplishments of women in the music business who work in a variety of capacities, including executives, producers, songwriters, and artistes. Through her receipt of the Breakthrough Award Honor, Tems becomes one of the exceptional women who have left a lasting legacy on the music industry.

Stars like Victoria Monét, who will receive the Rising Star Award, Ice Spice, who will receive the Hitmaker Award, Young Miko, who will receive the Impact Award, and Kylie Minogue, who will receive the Icon Award, join Tems as honorees.

According to Billboard, further information about the presenters, artistes, and other honorees will be unveiled in the coming weeks.

The 2024 Billboard Women In Music Event is slated to happen on March 6, 2024, at the YouTube Theater in Inglewood, California and it will be hosted by Tracee Ellis Ross.